Please fill out and bring with you to enroll your future leader!
Student Enrollment Form - Page 1
Student Enrollment Form - Page 2
Student Enrollment Form - Page 3

Parents Authorization Form
Transportation Agreement Form
Child Information Form

We serve children from 6 weeks through 12 years of age.

Days and Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 am.- 3:00 p.m.

We will be closed on the following holidays:
• MLK Jr. Birthday
• July 4th
• Labor Day
• Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday)
• Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Admission requirements:
Parent must supply and maintain accurate required record information including but not limited to immunization records.

Guidance/Discipline Techniques:
Disruptive students will be disciplines according to following procedures:
1st. Verbal warning
2nd. Time out (one minute for each year) ex. 2 year old, 2 min time out.
3rd. Sent to director office and call home

Emergency Care:
In the event your child needs emergency care your child will be taken to South Fulton Medical Center, East Point, GA 30344, (404) 466-1170.

Administering Medications:
Future Leaders Christian Academy will not administer medication unless parents given written notice and releases liability from the child receiving adverse reaction to the medications due to side effects of most medications.

No child will be accepted nor allowed to remain at the center if...
...the child has the equivalent of a one hundred and one (101) degree or higher oral temperature and another contagious symptom, such as, but not limited to rash, diarrhea or sore throat.

Parents will be called immediately if your child has any of the following:
Injury, exposure to communicable disease, noticeable adverse reactions to prescribed medications, fever over 101, severe weather, fire or building problems such as power failure or anything that affects climate control or structural damage.


© Copyright 2009-2011 Future Leaders Christian Academy. All rights reserved.